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Leistungsstarke, kostengünstige Workstations mit Zuverlässigkeit auf Serverniveau

Optimiert für Anwendungen, die leistungsstarke Rechen- und Grafikfunktionen erfordern: Erstellung von 2D/3D Inhalten, Entwicklung von VR Inhalten, Medien/Unterhaltungsindustrie
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  1. Supermicro SYS-740A-T 4U Tower Rackmount DP SuperWorkstation
    Supermicro SYS-740A-T 4U Tower Rackmount DP SuperWorkstation

    Starting at

    3.039,43 €

    • Key Features/Applications: Rendering, CAD, Multimedia/Digital Content Creation, Engineering/Scientific Research
    • CPU: Dual 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, up to 40 Cores
    • Chassis: 4U Tower
    • Drive: Up to 8x 3.5" Hot-Swap SATA + 2x M.2 NVMe Drive Bays. Supports up to 3x 5.25" Peripheral Drive Bays (Optional)
    • RAM: Up to 3TB of DDR4 ECC RDIMM/LRDIMM in 16 DIMM Slots
    • Network Ports: 2x 1GbE RJ45 LAN Ports
  2. Supermicro SYS-540A-TR Full-Tower UP SuperWorkstation
    Supermicro SYS-540A-TR Full-Tower UP SuperWorkstation

    Starting at

    3.227,82 €

    • Key Features/Applications: Deep Learning, AI, Machine Learning Development
    • CPU: Single 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor, up to 40 Cores
    • Chassis: Full-Tower
    • Drive: Up to 8x 3.5" Hot-Swap SATA + 4x M.2 NVMe/PCIe Drive Bays + 3x 5.25" Peripheral Drive Bays
    • RAM: Up to 4TB of DDR4 ECC RDIMM/LRDIMM in 16 DIMM Slots
    • Network Ports: 1x 10GbE + 1x 1GbE + 1x 1GbE Dedicated IPMI LAN Ports
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