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Supermicro DataCenter Management Suite per Node License Key (SFT-DCMS-SINGLE)

  • Features covered by Out-of-Band (OOB) Software License Key (SFT-OOB-LIC)
  • System Lockdown
  • Redfish Support
  • Storage Management
  • HTML5 Virtual Media Support
  • Supermicro Certified
  • Email Delivery Within 1 Hour (Digital SFT-DCMS-SINGLE Key Generation - No Refunds, Returns or Exchanges)
In stock
If you do not see your motherboard model on this list, your system may not be compatible with our SFT-DCMS-SINGLE license.

SFT-DCMS-SINGLE is Supermicro’s Data Center Management Suite license that enables server node to take full advantage of Supermicro Management Software and Utilities features.


  • System Lockdown: System lockdown helps in preventing the system from unintentional or malicious changes. This feature can help in protecting Lockdown mode is applicable to both configuration and firmware updates. When system lockdown is turned on, all system configuration changes including firmware updates will be prevented and user will be notified accordingly.
  • Redfish Support:The Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API ("Redfish") is a new interface that uses RESTful interface semantics to access data defined in a model format to perform out-of-band systems management. It is suitable for a wide range of servers, from stand-alone to rack mount and blade environments, but scales equally well for large scale cloud environments. Utilizing JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format, allows many types of parameters to be available such that it enables scalability, human readability, and flexibility for most programming environments by easily interpreting payload.
  • HTML5 Virtual Media Support: Supermicro BMC provides HTML5-based remote presence (iKVM) for user management remotely far away from the place. With the SFT-DCMS-SINGLE license key enabled, user is able to configure the ISO/IMA images mount thru virtual media feature. It also supports the configuration thru Redfish.

Related Software Tools:

  • Supermicro Server Manager (SSM): Supermicro Server Manager (SSM) is an all-in-one solution to manage and monitor Supermicro servers in an IT datacenter from a single console view. SSM supports REST APIs and WebUI.
  • Supermicro Power Manager (SPM): Supermicro Power Manager (SPM) is an application for monitoring and managing Supermicro servers with Intel® Node Manager enabled. Based on the Intel Data Center Manager (Intel DCM), the policy-based energy management provided by SPM is agentless and out-of-band. SPM provides real-time power monitoring and management, helping IT managers optimize energy efficiency for different levels of workloads ranging from servers to data centers. The workload demand can be customized to meet different workload needs.
  • Supermicro Update Manager (SUM): Supermicro Update Manager (SUM) can be used to manage the firmware and configuration for Supermicro X9 (Romley), X10, B10, X11, B11, H11 generation motherboards. SUM is a command line interface utility that can execute parallel commands from a centralized management server. Two channels are possible for management: the OOB (Out-Of-Band) channel, i.e. communication through the BMC/IPMI interface, and the in-band channel, i.e. communication through the local system interfaces. Through the OOB channel, most management commands can be executed independently of the OS on the managed system and even before the system OS is installed. SUM supports Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD. Thin Agent Service (TAS) required for some functions.
More Information
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Title Format Date
FAQ for Software License FAQ Sept 2018
How to Generate Software License Keys PDF Feb 2021
How to Activate Software License Keysdownload LINK Sept 2018